2024 Thornapple Year-in-Review
Annual meeting forms
can be downloaded
at the bottom of this page
Ministry Updates
Children's Ministry Highlights
- Coming soon!
Student Ministry: Middle School
Coming Soon!
Student Ministry: high School
Coming Soon!
Adult Ministries
MomCo (formerly MOPS)
Women's Bible Studies
Men's Small Groups
Spiritual Formation
College & Young Adults
Women's Bible Studies
Men's Small Groups
Spiritual Formation
College & Young Adults
pastoral care
Stephen Ministry
Grief and Loss
Care Ministries
Grief and Loss
Care Ministries
Pine Rest Church Assistance Program (CAP)
Love Mercy Do Justice
- Coming Soon.
- .
international missions
- Coming Soon
Proxy Form
This method is preferred to absentee ballot since a proxy vote counts toward a quorum.
Please complete a proxy form and return it to the Secretary by mail or email PRIOR to the start of the meeting.
Please complete a proxy form and return it to the Secretary by mail or email PRIOR to the start of the meeting.
Absentee Ballot
An absentee ballot does not count towards our quorum but does signify having your vote heard if you are unable to attend or designate a proxy.
Please complete the absentee ballot and return it to the Secretary by mail or email PRIOR to the start of the meeting.
Please complete the absentee ballot and return it to the Secretary by mail or email PRIOR to the start of the meeting.
Pre-Read Packet
Download a copy and review it prior to the Annual Meeting on Feb. 23. If you need to have a hard copy mailed to you, please contact Kimberly Korpak.